Legend of Aster

by Lynette Yencho
Legend of Aster
Lynette Yencho
Painting - Acrylic Air Brush/canvas
The Legend of Aster
As the iron age approached, what was once an art form, casting bronze and gold soon gave way to designing implements of war and destruction.
The gods deserted the earth for the heavens. Jupiter was angered so that he created a flood to destroy the earth. All perished but Decline and his wife who were spared because they committed themselves to the earth and care for it.
However fortunate, the two were left alone on an earth that was mud and slime. As the goddess Asterea was lighting the sky with her night lamp, she wept when she saw the two. Her starry tears turned to little lavender, blue and pink flowers, and covered the earth, and it was beautiful once more.
September 6th, 2013